AboutAbout Us

Create a meeting point for all ME HCPs. Developing Programs to support & leverage the medical community.

Our Vision & mission?

To leverage the medical environment in the Middle East into its most efficient status by supporting and developing all stakeholders related to the medical community & to make sure that every HCPs have their voice heard.

Our Goals

Create a meeting point for all ME HCPs. Developing Programs to support & leverage the medical community.
Applying online programs for education of all stakeholders in the medical arena.
Supporting Arab Health authorities to develop HCPs in their relative countries.
Supporting Health Authorities to identify the gap in the management of major medical areas. Encouraging the “evidence-based medicine” concept.
Implement the CME concept all over the ME. Implement programs to educate the ME mothers. Supporting cross-fertilization with international medical bodies.
Creating tailored programs focused to support young Paediatricians.


“Arab Academy of Pediatrics Society”
For Health Care Professionals & Community members
New Horizon…New Milestone
Pediatrics from A-Z under ONE Umbrella
From Bench to Bedside…
Academic, Practical, Clinical & Social Topics & Advices
Join us…You will be the Soldier & the Commander!
You will be entitled for Many Advantages & Benefits
Secrets to be revealed soon..
Stay Tuned

ArAPS Steering Committee
Non-Profitable Organization (working to be) Under patronage of Arab League